Friday, June 18, 2004

What is really going on in the War On Terror

June 18, 2004

I think that if you consider the tenants of the religions involved in the middle east conflict you might have some idea of what is going on in the small part of the war on terror (WWIV) in Israel. I am neither a Jew or a Moslem. The information I have seen indicates that the Jews can live in peace with almost anyone, including the Moslems. If you doubt that, ask yourself where the Islamic people in the middle east have the most freedom. In no other area of the middle east do the Islamic people of the country have such freedoms as the right to vote?

It seems that the Islamic religion does not preach living in harmony with others but instead, depending on how you read it, it preaches killing the infidel. Judaism does not teach it's believers that if you are not a Jew you should be killed or conquered. Islam does.

The most pressing problem in the War On Terror is to get the Islamic faith to modernize itself. As long as the great leaders of the "Religion of Peace" continue to issue rulings that mutilation of infidels is acceptable and that martyrism is a good thing and that people that do not believe must be forced to comply with Islamic law we will have this war.

The War On Terror is truly World War IV. We won the first three, two in Europe and/or Asia. We won the third against the Soviet Union. If we are to win the current war, the American people must decide we are at war. It is not a series of criminal actions around the world. This is a war against militant Islam. There will always be militants as long as the religion preaches as is currently does. It is badly in need of modernization. The Caliphs of the 10th century would be quite at home in the home of a "modern" Iranian Imam.

In order for peace to "erupt" throughout the world, the western world must recognize that its very existence is at risk and do something about it and the Islamic population of the world must reform. Until that happens, the civilized world will be stuck in defensive mode, losing more and more freedoms to the need for self defense.

The next major terrorist attack in this country will do two things. First it will wake up some people--at least temporally to the fact that it is a war in progress and it will cause more loss of liberty.

I don't want to see more Americans killed in this war. Unfortunately, I will.


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