June 22, 2004
(Note: An edited version of this was published in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Letters to the Editors, June 22, 2004 under the title of: "Clinton book will overshadow Kerry")
Bill Clinton is easily compared to the worst episodes of some endless movie that once had some sort of cohesiveness but now is just forever returning in sequel after sequel.
Even the New York Times--no bastion of conservative conspiracy--has panned the book as "The book, which weighs in at more than 950 pages, is sloppy, self-indulgent and often eye-crossingly dull — the sound of one man prattling away, not for the reader, but for himself and some distant recording angel of history."
The good side of all of the publicity the former President is receiving is that it reminds people of one of the best arguements that George W. Bush had in 2000. He would return dignity and honour to the White House. Reports of Mr. Clinton getting angry at questions about his "affair" with Monica Lewinsky in the Daily Telegraph from the UK remind us of the disdain with which Bill Clinton held the office of the presidency. His impeachment as a purgeror he lists as a "badge of courage".
I firmly believe that this is all part of the campaign to insure Kerry is not elected. He wants Sen. Clinton (Hillary) to have an unencumbered run at the presidency in 2008. It is, after all, only her just reward for supporting him throughout his administration. The newest polls show GW Bush as now back ahead in the race and that is exactly where the Clintons want him.
I look forward to months of Bill Clinton dominating the Liberal news agencies. Even Fox News will spend an inordinate amount of time on "the book" but in the long run, it will probably be a good thing. If it helps prevent John (Vietnam Hero) Kerry from being elected, it is a good thing.
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