Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Response to Letter to Editor Marietta Daily Journal, 5/17/2006

Mr. Kepner,
Not being an idiot (or one who calls people idiots), a Republican legislator or a MDJ editor, I think you might be incorrect. It seems to me that only someone that has little of no knowledge of the economy beyond the public education level would hold the opinion that tax decreases are not good for the country.
There was an editorial cartoon in the paper the same day as your letter that showed a rich person making statement that "It’s a win-win economic deal: I get a new yacht and I give you a job scraping barnacles!" With that type of foolishness, it is no wonder people are suffering with class envy.
Mr Kepner, the current economy is the best economy in many years. How do you think that happened? A recession had already started when George Bush took office and then 9-11 happened. It was predicted there would be a deep recession and possibly a depression. Instead, the tax cuts were passed and now we have one of the best economies in the world. Tax revenues generally increase when tax rates are cut. Check the data. John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and George Bush are the best examples recently. Each of them lowered tax rates and in response the economy boomed and the tax revenues went up.
Yes, the congress is spending way too much. Yes, I would like to see the taxes lowered across the board. Maybe something like the Fair Tax would be helpful. Certainly it is not good for tax policy to dictate sociological changes. Find that in the constitution. But I shudder to think about how high the spending would if we had Democratic Congress and President. Aggggh!


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