Maybe It's Time
July 9, 2004
Maybe its time to explain to entertainers that attempt to insert themselves into the political process that if they play the game, they have to be ready to pay the price.
For a long time, and especially in the last year, I have seen singers, actors and other entertainers attempt to tell the rest of the country how they should vote in November. They almost all claim to have the ability to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our president is incompetent, dumb, lying, cruel and heartless. These people, most of whom have never even seen the inside of a college, with the exception of performing there, are acting like the rest of us have no knowledge or intellectual ability at all.
Prior to the Clinton era, presidents had a rule that they did not criticise their successors. It was just the proper thing to do. Now it seems that President Bush is the target for anyone with a "D" behind his name. There are ex-presidents bad mouthing him, "documentary" films released with the obvious intent to slander the president and other Hollywood project that take aim at him. Why do we let them get away with it?
At some point in time, there must be some type of accounting rendered. I have refused to have anything to do with films that are populated with actors that spend their time attacking the beliefs I hold dear. I will not spend money on anything that will provide income to these people.
In this country, these people have a right to say almost anything they want. I do not and will not advocate preventing them from speaking. Before they shout "Censorship" they need to check the dictionary. (Note for entertainers: A dictionary is a book that tells you what words mean). I want NO government involvement in this. I simply think that it may be time to let these people know how little we appreciate being told what morons we are for supporting our president and/or his positions. The entertainers that take their views into the political realm need to pay if they insult the people that provide them with their income.
I am not necessarily calling for a boycott of these "useful idiots" but that may be the next step. These people cannot continue to abuse their public positions without paying any price at all. I have tried to simply ignore them but the media will not allow that. I am open for any suggestions as to how to implement this but I will continue to participate in a boycott of one
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