Thursday, September 01, 2005

Is this enough?


Has the insanity of the energy industry finally gotten bad enough to allow some changes? Does the reduced supply and $6.00 gasoline make enough difference to allow some changes to start being made?

Hurricane Katrina added her input to the energy madness and caused several refineries to close or operate at reduced rates. The loss of electrical power caused pipeline companies to temporarily run short. Big surprise. Did anyone notice that there hasn't been a refinery built in about 30 years? How much has demand increased in that time?

Oh well, I guess it is OK to stand in line for very expensive gasoline--as long as they don't build one of those smelly plants anywhere. God knows, it might disturb some mosquito somewhere if we do. And Nuclear power? Not a chance. The environmentalists would go completely berserk

I did see a poll last week showing that the majority of people now approve of the idea of nuclear power plants. The latest Rasmussen survey finds that 55 percent now want the U.S. to move towards nuclear energy, with just 24 percent opposed. This is a major change. The date on this poll was August 25, 2005--Before Katrina.

I think the public is slowly starting to see that something must be done now. The problem is what to do. Drilling should be happening everywhere it can. Refineries should be built as needed and a major shift to nuclear power should start immediately. I know politicians are afraid of controversy but very few people will change to vote against a politician showing support for this. The environmentalists will not have voted for them anyway. Show a little courage now and it will be a big help to the public you serve.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agreed with more refineries & increased oil exploration 30 years ago. The environmentalist wakos are a small minority but seem to be a very powerful lobby.

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah

10:03 AM  

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