What I Want George W Bush to say
I Am Staying on Board and Continuing to Do My Duty!
On August 30th, the Republican National Convention starts in New York. On the 2nd of September, George W. Bush, the current President of the United States, will accept the nomination of his party to run for reelection ion. I’m sure this is no surprise to anyone. What follows is what I would like to have included in the text of the address that he will give to formalize that acceptance.
I want George W Bush to stand up in the spotlight and say " The age of Political Correctness in defense of this country is past!" If we need to profile to stay safe, do so. We will do what is necessary to protect this country.
I want to have George W Bush address the continuing progress in the war on terror, or as I call it, World War IV. I would like to hear George W. Bush say that he was right to go to war in Iraq. The intelligence sources of almost the entire world including the Senate Intelligence Committee, the CIA, Vladimir Putin , MI5, French Intelligence and many others all agreed that Saddam Hussain . I would like him to remind the country of why we are fighting this war--war was declared on us.
I want to know how we will address the remaining members of the Axis of Evil. What about Syria? I know we cannot attend everything at one time but is there a plan? I really don’t necessarily want the plan spread all over the news, but I want to know one actually exists.
I would like to hear George W. Bush say that although tax cuts were a good idea, it is a better goal for the country to completely reform the tax system. There are several good or better ideas out there to strive for and I (in my second term) will push for a Congressional review aimed at a National Sales Tax such as the Fair Tax.
I would like him to say that although he supports immigration into this country, he wants to have some manner of control of it. He needs to institute a new, sweeping policy of work visas, of border security and cooperation with local law enforcement to control illegal immigration. Undocumented workers are illegal unless they have a visa or work permit. While here, they should be treated fair but not given carte blanch at the trough of the welfare handout.
I would like to hear that "the age of Big Government is over" again, except that this time, I want it to be a real goal. I want to have some indication that the rising entitlements of government have some limits. No longer will this administration mortgage the future to get some votes. I know some of this was motivated by the attempt to bring a more civil atmosphere to Washington. It can’t happen. As long as the Democrats are out of power, there is no bi-partisianship available. Working with Ted Kennedy will only get you dirty, not more votes.
I want to hear that America is growing out of the short recession and that Americans are working in large numbers and that we can feel good about us again.
I want to hear from the Gipper again!
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