Monday, November 28, 2005

letter 7


I have finally discovered the cause of all of America's problems. Amazingly enough, I don't think politicians are to blame. All of America's problems stem from the fact that there are countries out there that actually use this type of toilet. If they could go someplace and have a moment to themselves where they could have some time to think or read the paper, maybe things would be better. I still haven't gotten the courage to actually use this thing. This one actually has toilet paper in it, but we were told we can't flush the paper we have to take it with us and throw it away. There is usually a little hose attached to the faucet, but I don't think that is supposed to be used for cleaning yourself, who knows what the locals do with it. In Kuwait they would throw used water bottles in the urinals, I don't really want to know what they were using them for either. Luckily we have some real American style toilets and porta-johns ou t here. Hope you enjoy.


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