Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It's Over for Now


Well, It’s over.

What does the election mean? I think everyone has their own opinion. The news media says it is the end of “conservatisms”.
I have heard some of the talk show hosts say it means that conservatives stayed home and that means that they have all the power in the upcoming election.

Who knows? Clinton and Obama both claim victory on the Democrat side. McClain rightfully claims victory for the Republicans. Huckabee claims a huge victory in the south and Romney says “I am in it until the end.”

It did not come out the way I wanted but that is what the vote is for. Hopefully the conservatives will find a way to support whoever the Republicans select, otherwise the Democrats will have a field day.

Who knows? Maybe the Democrats will get nasty with each other and have and independent run by whichever looses. Maybe the conservatives will run an independent candidate and maybe Bloomberg will actually run.
Whatever happens, it ought to be fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of rumors flying around that Huckabee will be McCain’s running mate. What is so wrong with compromise and ending the gridlock that has plagued our government for many years? Moving the country toward the center and getting things done that are good for the country will bring many independents to McCain. I do hope conservatives like Ann Colder and Rush Limbaugh will just shut up about McCain. Other wise we will end up with a Democratic president. Just think of the Supreme Court judge nominations ...

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Ralph Nader is coming to the rescue of the Republican party again.

4:12 PM  

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