Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Open letter to a soldier (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Guard or Reservists)


I have seen many requests to send letters to our troops thanking them for their sacrifice. That is not enough. The members of our military are of such high quality that if you don't have the history or experience you may not understand how good they are.

In the 60's and 70's, the US military was crippled by 2 major problems. First fo all, the Congress of the US did not respect the military and it's job. It worked hard to make useless the fine effort of many excellent men and women in Vietnam. Secondly, the military was crippled by the draft. Because of the draft, many of the troops did not want to be there and their resentment spread to many who did. In spite of these problems, you, the military, performed wonderfully whenever you were allowed to do so.

This is a new era. All of our troops are volunteers and most of you have either enlisted or reenlisted during this time of war. If you take a Marine or a Soldier aside and ask why they are there, you could get all sorts of answers, varying from "I am here to protect my country" to "I wanted to get the educational help the Army gives when I get out." Some of them really can't express why they are there. In fact, most will probably tell you that they are actually fighting for their comrades. The fact is that no one is in the military who doesn't want to be there.

Many of the people that protest the current war so stridently are still mired mentally in the 1960's. They make statements about bringing our troops home from a war they are forced to fight. They suggest that the troops need to "Frag" the officers as a protest. What idiocy!

These time frozen critics have no idea the quality of our fighting forces.
We have seen the pain of the mainstream media constantly telling us about the awful failure that has been going on. They tell us that the war was a lie or started on false premises or that we are losing. That is nonsense. You are telling us a much different story. You tell of the schools rebuilt and the happiness of the people to vote--even the women. You tell us of successes that belie the story of the military hating press.

There seem to be two types of Americans when it comes to our military. Those that understand the need and your skill and those that think we should all just get along. A corollary of the second group is the "Hate America" crowd. They think the world's problems are caused by the US. They will probably always think that and in this country that is their right. If fact, that right is maintained partially by you, the very military they disdain.

Not all of you have great honorable reasons for fighting. The fact that you perform your duty and do so in such a magnificent manner is a tribute to your personal pride, patriotism and honor.

Many thanks to all of you--The American Soldier, whose presence in a dangerous world offers some protection to the rest of us. Thank you for standing between those who would destroy our civilization the rest of us who cannot or even will not stand. You have the undying appreciation of myself and the vast majority of the freedom loving Americans. Thank you and may you continue in freedom and honor in whatever far flung place you stand that your duty calls yout to stand to protect us.


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