One More Time
I'm going to try one more time. I only bother with explanations because there are such disingenuous people out there that try to argue that anything the military does is bad. Mr. Albanese, you argue as if all of our troops are draftees. The draft ended many years ago. You cannot but patronize the public and the troops with the often heard, "I support the troops, but I don’t support the war." If a person is a baker, if you denigrate his bread, constantly talk about how bad it tastes and how it is never fresh, you cannot honestly turn around and in the same breath say how wonderful the baker is. It is insulting and it is not true. A person may feel like he doesn't want to hurt the baker's feelings and so say what a wonderful baker he is. That does not change the evidence of your dislike of his products. I admit I am an armchair warrior. I am a veteran and I volunteered during the Vietnamese War. I did not, however see any combat. I do remember the military of that day and it consisted of people of several ilks. Some of them were drafted. They rightly hated where they were and what they were doing. There were those that enlisted and never expected to be involved with fighting. As far as the fighting was concerned, a lot of it was done by the volunteers that knew exactly what they were doing and why. Those are the ones that make up our entire military at this time. Repeat. There are no draftees in the military at this time. They almost unanimously support the leaders of this country. Never has one country invaded another for the purpose of improving the style of government in the occupied land, while simultaneously respecting the lives and resources of the people. This is a new endeavor and the success of it is evident in the 3 elections the people of Iraq have had within a year with very large turnouts dispite threats to the safety of the voters. You cannot ignore the purple fingers of fate. This time, there will be no sighning of the surrender to the cameras of the clamoring press. This time we use another standard. We will leave a country that is better off than it was. Remember, sir, we were attacked first. Ask the 3000 dead from Sept 11 about that. To say Saddam was not involved or there were no WMD's begs the question. You have to answer the primary question "are we at war or should we treat all these terrorists as criminals with complete protection of the very US Constitution they wish to subvert. If we are fighting criminals, I guess the proper response is to send an army of lawyers to fight them. Bill Clinton tried that approach before Sept 11. If that date is not important to you, ask the above mentioned 3000. If we are at war, help our army to be victorious in their battles. The war is not against Osama. It is not against Iraq. It is against the people that want to destroy this country and the way of life we have created in the most successful nation in history. You do not have to like the President. You do not have to like the Congress. You do not even have to like me. To like our troops, you have to support what they are so successfully doing.
So, where was the explanation, one more time? I read the article twice, then a third just to make sure I didnt miss anything.
Who are you to tell me I cant support the troops and be against a war, then act like because I am against the war, I cant support the troops?
Typical of you righties to constantly act like we had this big reason for going into Iraq, yet post after post you leave no evidence whatsoever that we had a valid reason for being there.
You consistently talk of being attacked, yet Saddam never attacked us. Bin Ladden and Al Qaida did and they were in Afghanistan at the time.
Is there anything you righties are responsible for? Is there anything that the right is not doing right? You constantly speak of supporting the military and dog those who speak out against the war as if we have no respect for the military.
We "libs" have respect for the military, we just hate to see them in a war they cant win and continue to die in a land they shouldnt have been in to begin with.
Every blog is a documentary of what you heard the night before on the sean hannity show. Spitting out the same lame arguments day in and day out. All you righties do is bitch and moan about the libs and dont leave any evidence to stand on for what you belive.
Bush over stepped his boundries by going to Iraq. Here we are 3-4 years later and still do not have the people who are responsible for the "attack" you keep stuffing down our throat. He should have worried about those responsible and securing our borders which he has yet to do.
Let me see a blog that has some facts and not your hannitization hypnosis. Prove to me that we should have gone to Iraq. Show me links to proof that saddam supported Al Qaida, show me a link to proof that he had wmd. And by the way, if he had wmd, then why, when the greatness of the american troops was coming across the border, why did he not use them?
Thats my challenge to you, show some proof and not just relating what a talk show host gave to you, then maybe Ill be convinced. Till then, I am against the war and I am for the troops, may god bless them and bring them home soon!
And in the mean time you go on cheering for a war that blows up innocent civilian homes and sit back in yours acting like you actually have some answers.
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