Random Thoughts
I find that ever since the election of President Bush, I am having a hard time getting excited about issues. I have never had so much emotional commitment to a political cause before. Now, I see some new trends that are important to me but just cannot rise to the threat level of the election. Essentially, here are some random thoughts.
1. Supreme Court and the Senate nuclear option. I hear this called the nuclear option and I read opinions both pro and con. For the Senate to change the rules such that the minority party is no longer able to filibuster the nominations is not something that I would consider nuclear. It is just a rules change. Some Republicans are afraid of it because they say that it will bite them if the Democrats become the majority party again. Since when have the Democrats played by consistent rules? If the Republicans ever try to use the filibuster to stop some future Democrat nominated judicial appointee, is there any doubt that they will immediately change the rule--no matter what the Republicans do? If the Republicans decide that they do not want to change it so as to have it there when they need it, they will be sorely disappointed. I wouldn't count on principle to drive the Democrats. They are used to ruling. They expect to be the ruling party. They understand that to keep that power they have to do whatever it takes. At the same time, the press will simply play along. If the Republicans change the rule, it is nuclear. If the Democrats change it at some future time, it is necessary to prevent the obstructionism of those dastardly Republicans.
2. Immigration. What is it about illegal immigrants that grants them the right to anything? They are, by definition, not undocumented--they are illegal. I know that if they were actually barred from the country there would be very little construction going on and very little yard maintenance. This does not however give us any reason to grant these people special privileges such as drivers licenses and in state tuition--the most recent goodies I see as offered to these illegal people. I don't necessarily want to have the borders closed tightly but it would be nice if they were at lease a cursory attempt to separate the people sneaking in for work from the terrorist coming in to blow up some building somewhere. A work permit is OK and might even be an acceptable document for obtaining a drivers license but the expiration dates need to coincide and there needs to be some way to have the workers leave when the documents expire. I also want the government--state, federal and local to deport the people it finds without work permits. I do not want bans from local governments on police asking for some type of documentation. How did we reach this point?
3. Education. It is becoming obvious that most universities in this country have become bastions of liberal indoctrination ( I would say thought except that thought is discouraged in lieu of political correctness and leftist doctrine). This will keep on happening and probably getting worse unless some Fox News of Universities opens. The thing that will actually change this problem for the better is when the donations to the schools stop. That is the only way to get the attention of the administration and get realistic policies and attitudes. Tenure needs to be modified such that it is easier to get rid of the professors that teach doctrine--of any sort. Heaven forbid that the Congress attempts to do something about it. I can't see them doing something that actual makes it a better situation.
More Later!